Our Story

The Grove of the Golden Phoenix is an active, Atlanta-based Wiccan Temple formed in 2021 by its current High Priestess Lady Seyani. The Grove commits to living by and teaching the Wiccan and Pagan lifestyle, just as her teachers in the Temple of the Rising Phoenix have since 1982. We participate in local Pagan events, both private and public, to support our local Pagan community, lend our voices, and spend time with like-minded witches.

Lady Seyani began her training in 2013 and received her Third Degree in 2020 from her initiators, Lady Magdalena (Mother of the Phoenix Tradition) and Lord Myrddin (Magus of the Phoenix Tradition). Lady Seyani hived during a beautiful ceremony at Imbolc 2021 and started her coven, the Grove of the Golden Phoenix, based on the teachings of her godparents. Lady Seyani served as Maiden and Priestess of the Temple of the Rising Phoenix and is the current High Priestess of the Grove of the Golden Phoenix.